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第八期吾水计划招募 Info Session来啦~快来预约吧!
吾水计划Info Session来了! 第八期吾水计划 有啥亮点? 面对疫情 是否还能如约实地调研? 不能实地 那 “云调研” 又该怎么操作呢? 春天来了 暑假还远么 lol 面对特殊的20年你是否有以上的疑问呢
倒计时4天 | 还在犹豫?对方向你扔了一个云调研并再次发出邀请
在河北省廊坊市大厂县北部,黑黄色的河水载着塑料袋和矿泉水瓶等垃圾缓缓流淌,几条支流绕过民房,注入鲍邱河,从东、西、北三面包围着夏垫村。2009年,多位村民因严重的水污染罹患癌症,夏垫村曾被媒体称为“癌症村”。 今年 8 月,关注农村饮用水的公益组织吾水(MyH2O)信息平台组织大学生志愿者前往 15 个省、24 个地级市的村庄进行水质调研,夏垫村是调研点之一。几位来自中国石油大学的学生走进村庄发现,十年后的鲍邱河,仍是一条散发着臭气的黑水河。村民路过河边纷纷掩住口鼻、加快脚步,住在附近的农户几乎不敢开窗,村里流浪的猫狗都不愿靠近河边。
The Critical Role of Water Mapping in Achieving Water Security
China is one of the largest countries in the world —a land full of wonders and advancements. The country hosts almost a fifth of the entire world population but when it comes to fresh water, it only holds 7% of it. Things are bad in Northern China where the population is high but water resources are low. While southern China has adequate lakes and ponds, they are not properly sanitized to be used as drinking water. All of these add up to China’s current situation where fresh sanitized drinking water is a luxury and a privilege. While there are numerous organizations willing to lend a helping hand, the lack of data and perception has been a big barrier to supplying clean water in all parts of the country. This is when MyH2O's journey begin.
你的家乡在农村吗?你关注农村的水吗?最近,MyH2O水信息平台正在为即将到来的暑期招募最新一期的“吾水计划”测水调研活动。 这是一个为有待改善的水质地区对接净水资源的公益组织,三年来,MyH2O培养了许多高校志愿者团队前往农村地区,走访村落,进行深度调研,获取真实可靠的水资源信息,以期汇成一张中国农村的水信息大网。
MyH2O – Test Your Water
As MyH2O is initiating a new water testing campaign across China’s western regions, where minority groups reside – including Qinghai, Gansu, Yunnan, Sichuan, Guangxi and so on, we sat down with the group’s founder, Charlene Ren, to know more about this grass-root organisation, its aims, achievements and next steps.
Alumni Spotlight: Charlene Ren, Environmental Engineer
As a Tata Fellow from 2013-2015, Xiaoyuan “Charlene” Ren worked on a project treating wastewater in Indian paper mills while earning her Master’s degree in Civil & Environmental Engineering at MIT. Now she’s turning her attention to her native country of China. Charlene has founded an NGO, MyH2O, that is trying to extend access to clean water in China by creating and training a youth-led water testing network. For this work she’s been named a 2016 Echoing Green Global Fellow. A “solution connector,” Charlene tells us more about her venture and life after the Tata Center.
Making water more safe for all
The Web portal, called MyH2O (myh2o.org), is one of the first online crowdsourcing platforms in China aiming to promote risk awareness, citizen activism and governmental response through independent reports on water quality. The team is made up of Chinese students studying at such American universities as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Columbia University, and MBA students at the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business in Beijing.